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An AP is an abreviation for Artist's Proof and this scarf was just that. As I was creating multiples of the gothic pattern, explained below, I decided to stop at the nonpariel step as the pattern is beautiful!!

A gelget design is drawn first and then the non-pariel comb is traced in one direction. 

Look at the print being captured above!


This is the inspiration of the gothic pattern.

French Gothic Cathedrals remind me of high arching vaulted ceilings and this pattern is reminiscent of those thin supports with stained glass windows in between.


The rising, high arched ceilings of the cathedrals had a purpose to glorify God, or the holy one, by pointing heavenward. When worshippers lifted their eyes toward the ceiling, the intended feeling was to be transported and closer to the holy being above. Beginning in the 1100’s and continuing to the 1600’s, architects pushed their materials to the limit by finding ways to make granite/stone stable, yet thinner to accent to the vertical motion skyward, these masterpieces are still standing today.


So this designer series scarf uses the similar name--Gothic--and mimics the stonework of the cathedral builders.


Adorn your shoulders with a historic named print and feel transported to a higher spiritual level!



I washed the scarf first to rid the fabric of manufacturing residue, then soaked the fabric in alum to fix the pigments on the scarf.  The 17th Century process of marbling is a dry garment to wet surface transfer.


After the scarf has been left to drip dry and rest for 7 days, then I carefully wash out the extra gel and paints to return the scarf to it's "soft as silk" nature!

Gothic AP or Nonpariel

  • The scarf is 22 x 72", 100% silk habotai scarf.  The fabric is a smooth, airy silk.

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