My husband suggested that I create blue and gold silk scarves to raise money for the Ukrainian relief effort,” says Pam Granger Gale, owner at Majik Studios. “I had thought about it briefly, but his comment gave me the nudge to try. I desired a way to show Majik Studios’ support for the Ukrainian people. It melds my love of marbling with my concern for the Ukrainian people.”
So, I posted a pre order section in my shop and sold out immediately, so then I planned on creating more. Currently I have a waiting list of 8 people.
“Thank you so much. This is so wonderful.”, says Andrea Kulish, member of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America. “Ukraine will continue to need the monies for a while.” Andrea is second generation Ukrainian, and her parents and grandparents all lived there.
I wanted to help in some small way, and it has taken off.
On Friday, March 25, Majik Studios will present the first payment for Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid of nearly $2,000. This round of funding came from the creation of hand marbled Blue and Gold scarves, the colors of the Ukrainian flag, like the one above.